Automotive Advertising with Intellifusion

IntelliFusion announces partnership with Automotive Advertising Network. Dealers who wish to advertise their cars on AAN now have another option to signup for AAN membership.

So whats different?

Dealers who signup for AAN with Intellifusion will get additional site for each of the brand that the dealer sells, This is quite important and this advertising strategy has been proved. The additional dealer microsite created will be targeted for a major metro area the dealer wishes to rank higher in Google.

As an example RBM of Atlanta wished to rank higher in Google for "Certified Mercedes Atlanta", a site created for this purpose can be viewed by visiting Certified Mercedes Atlanta

We can show you similar example on major automotive metro areas where dealers advertise to not only gain search engine popularity but to also gain additional Google footprint that generate additional leads.

Contact us for name IntelliFusion when you signup for AAN to get this additional benefit for no extra cost automotive advertising.