Dealer Newswire (DNW) is a premier Automotive News Publishing platform to deliver your most important dealership news and advertising articles to a high volume of readership and searchers in a short period of time.

DNW is a high ranking press release publishing platform created for automotive industry and specifically for dealers who want to send their message out where it helps in selling more and get a better ROI.

Included with your membership:

  • Ability to post unlimited press releases during any month
  • Dealership Profile Site to improve Google Page One Foot Print
  • Any future improvements to the product are automatically included with your membership

Google and other search engines respect good content. A good piece of content is bound to be on top of search results if done right. If you are short handed and are unable to create natural content, we can help. Use our content writers to create optimized content for the keywords that make sense to your business and market the articles across Dealer newswire and other content publishing platforms.

We take extreme care of what news is being posted on DNW. We don not allow spammer or spammy content and is immediately deleted from our systems when noticed. DNW is not affected with the recent search engine updates. We adapt to the changes and make sure we deliver highest quality of service to our customers.